CH 310M, 318M: Fall Semester, 2004



Note: The Final Course Curve and the Exam Key are Posted Below Under the Table of Contents


  1. Important Course News and Daily/WeeklyAnnouncements!
  2. Course information
  3. Meeting time and location
  4. Instructor
  5. Course Topics
  6. Required textbook
  7. Exams
  8. Review Sessions
  9. Grading system
  10. Scholastic dishonesty policy
  11. Additional information,Emphasis Topics,Tutorials
  12. Class Notes
  13. Two New Elements
  14. Governmentium--Another New Element
  15. Real Pictures of Orbitals
  16. Exercises

  17. Exam Keys from Fall, 2001 Exams
  18. Exam Keys from Fall, 2002 Exams
  19. Exam Keys for Fall, 2003, Exams
  20. Exam Keys for Fall, 2004, Exams
  21. Orientational Curves for the Exams

Titles of Courses (52550 and 52795 Meet Together)

Unique Numbers: 52550 (CH 310M); 52795 (CH 318 M; Ch.E.); 52770 (Chemistry and BiochemistryMajors)
Course Numbers: CH 310 M (Life Sciences); CH 318M (Chemical Engineers)
Prerequisite: CH 302 with "C" or better and credit/registration for CH 204 or 317.

Meeting Times and Locations

CH 310M; CH 318M (Ch.E.)

Time:12:30 - 2:00 P.M.
Place: Welch 1.308

CH 318 M (Chem and Biochem Majors)

Days: MWF

Time: 9-10 AM

Place: Welch Hall 2.312


Name: Nathan L. Bauld.
Office: Welch 5.232.
Office hours: Tu,Wed 2:00-3:00
Phone: (512)471-3017.
Teaching Assistants (Both Courses):

Course Topics

  1. Unit 1:Covalent Bonds and Shapes of Molecules
  2. Unit 2:Alkanes and Cycloalkanes
  3. Unit 3: Chirality
  4. Unit 4:Acids and Bases
  5. Unit 5:Alkenes I
  6. Unit 6:Alkenes II
  7. Unit 7:Alkyl Halides and Radical Reactions
  8. Unit 8:Nucleophilic Substitution and Elimination
  9. Unit 9:Alcohols and Thiols
  10. Unit 10:Alkynes
  11. Unit 11:Ethers, Sulfides, and Epoxides

Required Text

Exams for CH 310M and CH 318M (Ch.E)

All exams except for the final exam are two hour exams and will meet from 7:00-9:00P on the indicated dates, which are all on Thursday evenings, as stated in the course schedule. .


REVIEW SESSIONS for CH 310M and 318M (CH.E.)

Exams for CH 318M (Chemistry and Biochemistry Majors)

All exams except for the final exam are two hour exams and will meet from 7:00-9:00 P on the indicated dates, which are all on Thursday evenings, as stated in the course schedule. All exams will meet in WEL 2.308.


REVIEW SESSIONS for CH 318M (Chemistry and Biochemistry Majors.)

To Be Announced.

Final Exam: Counts 150 points of total 450. Saturday December 11, 9-12 Noon: Room TBA


Grading System

Each of the three interim exams given during the semester has a maximum possible score of 100 points. The maximum possible score on the final examination is 150 points, giving a grand total of 450 possible points. The instructor will provide an approximate or orientational curve after each of the interim exams,but the final course grade will be determined solely from the total scores for the course, applying an appropriate "curve" which is based in large part upon accumulated experience in this course. Typically, approximately 380/450 total points are required for an "A", while about 330/450 points are required for a "B". The lowest "C" grade is typically about 225/450, and the lowest "D" grade about 200/450.

Regrade Policy

Requests for regrading of exams will be honored up to a deadline of one week after the graded exam is returned to the student. However, no exam written in pencil, or written in ink but having white-out or substantial mark-throughs or scratch-outs, will be accepted for regrading. Students are required to first examine the answer key and consider the desired answer in detail before handing in the exam for re-grading. They should also understand that the standards of the instructor for the course may be substantially different (higher) than their own. Students requesting regrades must attach a cover sheet (available in the Lower Division Chemistry Office) to their exam indicating what question or questions are at issue and, briefly, what the issue is. The exam and its cover sheet must be given to the lecture TA or Professor Bauld either at class time or during office hours. The regraded exam will be returned to the Lower Division Chemistry Office, where it can be picked up. No exam will be regraded after the one week deadline, but corrections of numerical (addition) errors can be requested at any time. The instructor reserves the right to re-grade the entire exam, and re-graded papers may have their scores increased or decreased.

Scholastic Dishonesty policy

Scholastic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent. You are expected to have read and understood the current issue of General Information Catalog, published by the Registrar's Office, for information about procedures and about what constitutes scholastic dishonesty.

Additional Information

  1. Emphasis Topics for the 1st Exam.
  2. Emphasis Topics for the 2nd Exam
  3. Emphasis Topics for the 3rd Exam
  4. Emphasis Topics for the Final Exam
  5. Tutorial on Resonance Theory.
  6. Tutorial on Fischer Structures.
  7. New Illustrations for the Bromine Anti Addition to Cis- and Trans-2-butene
  8. Contrasting Results for the Syn Addition to the 2-Butenes
  9. Radical Chain Additions of HBr
  10. Statistical Effects in Chlorination of Isobutane
  11. Grignard Reagents and Their Formation
  12. Mechanism of the Acid-Catalyzed Addition of an Alcohol to an Alkene


Answer Keys from Fall, 2001 Exams

Answer Key from Fall 2001 Exam1

Answer Key from Fall 2001 Exam 2

Answer Key from Fall 2001 Exam 3


Answer Keys from Fall, 2002 Exams

1. Answer Key for the Fall 2002 First Exam

2. Answer Key for the Fall 2002 Second Exam

3. Answer Key for the Fall 2002 Third Exam

4. Answer Key for the Fall 2002 Final Exam

Answer Keys for the Fall 2003 Semesters Exams

  1. Answer Key for the Fall 2003 First Exam
  2. Answer Key for the Fall 2003 Second Exam
  3. Answer Key for the Fall 2003 Third Exam
  4. Answer Key for the Fall 2003 Final Exam

Answer Keys for the Fall 2004 Semesters Exams

  1. Answer Key for the Fall 2004 First Exam
  2. Answer Key for the Fall 2004 Second Exam
  3. Answer Key for the Fall 2004 Third Exam
  4. Answer Key for the Fall 2004 Final Exam (Please note that there was an error in the key on page 5, question 5; full credit of 3 pts was given to all; also, on p.3, the numeral should have been 1, and it was properly graded (not according to the answer key)

  1. Orientational Curve for the Fall 2002 First Exam
  2. Orientational Curve for the Fall 2002 Second Exam
  3. Orientational Curve for the Fall 2002 Third Exam
  4. Final Curve for Fall 2002(All exams)

  1. Orientational Curve for the Fall, 2003 First Exam
  2. Orientational Curve for the Fall, 2003 Second Exam
  3. Orientational Curve for the Fall, 2003 Third Exam
  4. Final Curve for the Fall, 2003 Course (All Exams)



Answer Key for the Final Exam in CH 318M (Majors)



Class Notes

  1. Class Notes:Ch1;V.1
  2. Class Notes:Ch1;V.2
  3. Class Notes:Ch1;V.3
  4. Class Notes:Ch2;V.1
  5. Rest of Class Notes


  1. CHAPTER 1
  2. CHAPTER 2
  3. CHAPTER 3
  4. CHAPTER 4
  5. CHAPTER 5
  6. CHAPTER 6
  7. CHAPTER 7
  8. CHAPTER 8
  9. CHAPTER 9
  10. CHAPTER 10
  11. CHAPTER 11